FTZ Application and Activation
Indigo Trade Solutions will help you make sense out of the complex FTZ process and effectively manage your project through to completion.
If you’re ready to apply to operate in a foreign trade zone (FTZ), you already understand the opportunities, challenges, and potential problems associated with FTZs.
If you don’t, not to worry.
As an import compliance professional, you have years of experience managing complicated customs issues. But FTZ might be way outside the box of your current compliance responsibilities. No matter your industry or operating environment, we will put a project plan together for you on Day 1 that takes you through the entire project step-by-step.
From application to activation, Indigo Trade Solutions will be your partner. No questions will go unanswered; no details will be too small; and all issues will be proactively addressed so the project stays on course through completion.
Indigo Trade Solutions offers complimentary FTZ feasibility studies that will help you determine if applying for FTZ activation is right for your business. When you understand the costs and benefits associated with activating an FTZ, applying is the next step.
For FTZ Application and Activation, the project deliverables will include:
- Management of the project plan for activation with local Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- An independent and impartial analysis of FTZ software so you can select the right provider that most effectively meets your specific needs
- Introductions between the FTZ Administrator and the local Grantee and establishing an effective partnership that will continue after activation
- On-site training for your Operations Management Team covering all FTZ requirements
- Providing the FTZ Administrators and/or FTZ Management Team with all of the necessary knowledge and capabilities to independently operate the FTZ without third party oversight
Completion of all required applications and documentation
Timely approval from CBP and the FTZ Board so you can take advantage of FTZ benefits as quickly as possible
An overview of FTZ software candidates and evaluation for the selection that meets your compliance needs and business goals